Washington DC & The Best Taiwanese Ramen Ever!!

Words+Photography by Alex & Jack L

Im a fan of noodles. Not just the kind you eat with Italian sauce but the type you toss a heapingly-large-portion-of into a hot, steamy broth and serve in a bowl with a bunch of veggies and maybe an egg. Noodles done Vietnamese style, yo!

Being in DC, I was kindly reminded by Alex that there is non other than the famously acclaimed Toki Underground – an award-winning Taiwanese and Japanese fusion upstart in the heart of DC’s Atlas District (1234 H Street NE, Washington DC 20002). Having heard so much about this place, to say that we were excited to eat here would be a massive understatement.

The first time we tried to get into Toki was approximately four months ago when I was on different photo shoot in DC. Toki was booked solid! And I could now see why. The place is tiny. This go-round, however, we were sure to reserve two spots exactly one month prior to our visit to guarantee a seating. Toki did not disappoint.

The order of Dumplings and Kimchi was done to perfection and was utterly mouth-watering-good. The coup d’état, however, was Toki Underground’s Classic Ramen (pulled-pork, greens, soft boiled egg & pickled gin-jah!) which I simply could not resist.  The bowl of yummy goodness arrived to our perch overlooking the street where Toki’s second story establishment is located, and I could immediately smell the savoury meaty broth.

One taste confirmed my suspicion – this was going to be gooood!   I tried to keep all of the noodle bowl’s contents to myself and selfishly not share anything with Alex. But her charm and charisma eventually won me over as she wanted to try a spoon full. I prepped the perfect mouthful bite for her containing noodle, pork, veggie greens and broth (Oh that sweet, sweet delectable broth!) on the provided ladle spoon (big round thing that you can scoop up soup with).

As she slowly sipped out of the ladle and took in all the flavour, I could tell this hit the spot. After some chewing and loud broth sipping Alex suddenly proclaimed… “I want more!” And more we had. Whatever it is that head chef Jonathn Uribe does in the kitchen — I hope he keeps on doing it. This ramen was like the gracious hand of god himself (or herself!) came down upon thee, slowly simmered the broth and mixed in the delectable goodness that is these humble vegetables and pork.

Best. Ramen. Ever!!

What to get:

  • Kimchi
  • Dumplings
  • Fried Chicken Steamed Buns
  • Toki Classic Ramen (yes!!)
  • Yuki-Kate Snow Shadow Sake
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